Slow Time
(CR) Crimson- scorching heat bubble, damaging enemies within it over time
(IN) Indigo- increases AoE and/or duration
(GO) Golden- arcane power regeneration while Wizard stands within it
(AL) Alabaster- follows Wizard around
(OB) Obsidian-reduces resistances of enemies within bubble
Like, how cool is that? Every single one of those powers has distinct tactical advantages. Tough choices just like what they showed so far.|||Magic Weapon
CR- additional fire/other elemental damage (they could make every rune for MW a variation of this one, but I hope not)
IN- status effect
GO- life and/or mana steal
AL- armor piercing
OB- reduce resistances
Arcane Orb
CR- faster, fire damage--old school fireball spell!
IN- frozen orb!
GO- reduced arcane power cost (boring but possibly important option)
AL- casts stationary arcane orbs that act like proximity or land mines
OB- multi-shot arcane orb
Mirror Image
CR- image sprints at an enemy and explodes (more old school goodness--Elemental!)
IN- multiple images
GO- when image hits an enemy, recover arcane power
AL- mirror image actually does damage based on % of your stat
OB- increased health and/or duration
God I hope some of these ideas make it into the game (or better ones).|||Copy pasting what I posted in another thread

DISCLAIMER: All numbers below are used as examples only.
Level 1: Increases number of attacks per second by 20%.
Level 2: Increases Hydra spell duration by 5 seconds
Level 3: Adds small AOE effect to each arcane bolt
Level 4: Reduces enemy arcane spell resistance by 20%
Level 5: Hydra critical strike chance increased by 10%
Level 6: Hydra critical damage increased 100%
Level 7: Each Hydra critical strike adds a debuff that increases Wizard critical strike chance on affected target by 25% for 5 seconds.
Level 1: Damages and freezes enemies for 2-4 seconds
Level 2: Increase attack radius and range by 5%
Level 3: Reduces enemy movement speed by 15%
Level 4: Reduces enemy attack speed by 15%
Level 5: Increases critical strike chance of cold spells by 15%
Level 6: Increases critical strike damage of cold spells by 15%
Level 7: Hydra has a 5% chance on each attack to cast Blizzard equal in power and level to the Wizard's own spell.
Level 1: Firewall length increased by 10%
Level 2: Firewall duration increased by 25%
Level 3: Firewall damage increased by 25%
Level 4: Firewall length further increased by 10%
Level 5: Firewall duration further increased by 25%
Level 6: Firewall damage further increased by 50%
Level 7: Causes Firewalls to travel in random patterns across the ground, damaging anything in its path.
Level 1: Increases range by 25%
Level 2: Increases number of jumps by 25%
Level 3: Each attack reduces enemy hit rating by 15%
Level 4: Increases Hydra attack speed by 15%
Level 5: Causes random thunderbolts to attack enemies while Hydra is active.
Level 6: Reduces enemy lightning resistance by 25% for 3 seconds after enemy is damaged by Hydra.
Level 7: Removes all damage reduction from each jump.
Level 1: Adds an AOE effect
Level 2: Adds a DOT effect on primary target (not enemies damaged by AOE) that lasts for 4-7 seconds
Level 3: Attacks splash off enemies, leaving small acid pools that damage and temporarily slow enemy movement speeds.
Level 4: Increases Hydra attack speed by 10%
Level 5: Increases Hydra duration by 5 seconds
Level 6: Enemies below 50% HP take more damage from the DOT effect
Level 7: DOT effect reduces enemy health regeneration by 50% (affects health potion effectiveness)|||Right on StarMage, thanks for contributing!
You've clearly put more thought into those rune effects than I have with mine, but it makes a lot of sense for the Hydra since the basic effect cannot really be multipled in a visual way (well, more heads I guess).|||Sure thing, happy to contribute! (Also means I had more time to burn!)
I guess I have to read more on runes though. I was not sure if for example we get a level 7 rune, will it include all the stats that lower level runes have? Or will that level 7 rune have it's own unique individual stat that's more powerful than the previous 6 levels?

(IN) Indigo - similar to the radical change of the indigo rune on ray of frost. the bubble could become a large swirling vortex around the player. if any projectiles are fired in they fire out in a random direction. any enemies that wander in are caught and buffeted.
(CR) Crimson - the bubble could become a similar substance to that of glass. projectiles can break it over time, however if wave of force is used the glass fires off in a nova type motion.
(GO) Golden - increased AOE
(AL) Alabaster - Slower movement in the bubble
(OB) Obsidian - faster cooldown
i only did two image altering ones to be more realistic.
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