Monday, April 16, 2012

Female Wizard gear set - Page 3

But the armor class "plate armor" will look completely different on another character class then and how will this translate to how "plate armor" looks inside the inventory then? (don't tell me the Witchdoctor was also wearing plate armor lol)|||Armor has always looked different on chars than it did in the inventory. We'll know it's plate by it saying it's plate and the tinier graphic having some form of plating going on.|||Oh noes guys! I just noticed! She has SHOULDER ARMOR!

Everything is ruined!|||*grabs magnifying lens*

huh!|||That shoulder plate is super impractical! She might tilt her head to the side and scratch her cheek and/or nose! THIS GAME IS RUINED FOREVER!|||I think this is the same armor set from the official site - the male wizard -|||@popez

Maybe, but we might never know. Besides, they said armor will look different between the two genders, so I'm fine if this armor happens to be the one on the website, it's on a female so I get to see how it looks different.|||The gloves of male and female sets are 1:1|||Not bad, but I would like it better without the "hat".|||@popez

Nobody said they'd be 100% different =P just different with noticable similarities.

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