If anyone who watched blizzcon 2010 will probably remember pretty well that magic missle upgraded with a level 7 indigo rune shot about 8 bolts pretty legit stuff imo.
So I have been wondering that if charged bolt works like it does in D2 where it gains more bolts as the level increases (im assuming this) then what will the indigo rune do for it? will it add a second wave? will it just make wave bigger? or what?
just thought i would ask and get some opinions|||it will make u launch more bolts for sure, maybe in all directions around wizard|||Quote:
it will make u launch more bolts for sure, maybe in all directions around wizard
That would be counterproductive since the way charged bolt works right now you are best of standing next to the target focusing the wave, along with the advantage of 'rollback 'double' kills', well I guess they'd at least don't have this 'bug' in d3

But multiple hits on on target should still be possible.
It will be MSLE 1.08 style probably, just focused

That would be counterproductive since the way charged bolt works right now you are best of standing next to the target focusing the wave, along with the advantage of 'rollback 'double' kills', well I guess they'd at least don't have this 'bug' in d3

But multiple hits on on target should still be possible.
It will be MSLE 1.08 style probably, just focused

The way it works right now isn't a concern. The point of runes is to change the utility of a skill. Firing charged bolts in all directions would be useful to some builds.|||I dunno, but I just noticed in the Wizard gameplay video, at the first minute, whenever the skeletal archers hit the wizard, charged bolts automatically come off of her. I know this is an old (and possibly outdated) video, but perhaps it becomes passive with a rune? And emits charged bolts when struck.
Just a thought.
Here's the vid, in HD too.
http://diablo3strategy.org/wizard/|||Possibly, but it might be storm armor...|||It does not look like armor, since there is no outwardly change to the wizard, but maybe there just was not animation for it, like you can see in the arena videos.
Passive charged bolt effect with a rune sounds interesting.
Has anyone seen any other active skills turn passive with rune effects?
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