"For the wizard, when she’s out of mana she just dies. And that’s not fun. So if anything, we want to encourage how she plays. So she’s the kind of character that blasts first and asks questions later. Very vulnerable. So we want to implement a system that makes her more blasty, but even more vulnerable. We want to make that a choice for the player. “Do I want to make myself more vulnerable in exchange for being more blasty.” And that’s a cool gameplay pull there." Jay Wilson
I think a lot of ppl saw this coming. From what Bliz has said and shown about the Wiz really says this system fits her the best.
I agree fully with Jay's comment about running out of mana for a Wizard/Mage/Sorceress = death, and that's not fun.|||It sucks that they want to make the wizard so fragile and then make teleport have such a long cool down time. They also should not force one style of play. It seems a lot of changes in Diablo 3 are making the characters less customizable.
Anyways, we don't really have enough information to say what the system will be.|||Quote:
It sucks that they want to make the wizard so fragile and then make teleport have such a long cool down time. They also should not force one style of play. It seems a lot of changes in Diablo 3 are making the characters less customizable.
Anyways, we don't really have enough information to say what the system will be.
You grumpy old wizard.
I like 'more blasty'.
I think an overdrive system would suit, hopefully it can get quite spectacular.
My minds eye envisions disintegrate lighting up the screen, fizzing and sputtering vaporizing all. Don't forget to keep an eye on that draining health globe.
<rubs hands gleefully>|||Quote:
It sucks that they want to make the wizard so fragile and then make teleport have such a long cool down time.
Teleport isn't the only escape/defensive skill the wizard have, there are around 3 to 4 other skills that can help a fragile wizard survive besides Teleport (stone skin, wave for force, mirror images, energy shield)..
The reason why Tele got a lengthy cool down is very logical and promotes using multiple skills to survive instead of spamming one skill to escape and skip through the game .. not to mention the cool down can be shortened slightly by some skill runes and increasing the skill level like Bashiok said once.
Also there is the fact that you like Jay said "get more blasty" meaning in return fro being fragile you get to do far more damage to your enemies before they can even touch you.
They also should not force one style of play. It seems a lot of changes in Diablo 3 are making the characters less customizable.
They aren't forcing anything, it's a choice .. read carefully here.
�Do I want to make myself more vulnerable in exchange for being more blasty.� ...... or NOT
It's obviously a freaking choice .. if you don't want to overpower your spells and like being more durable then go for it (i.e making a Melee wizard).
Anyways, we don't really have enough information to say what the system will be.
Agree, people already came up with three or more variations on overdrive systems for the Wiz, i remember i suggested it once as a passive that gives you a chance to do more damage but reflects a slight portion of damage back at you.|||Can somebody explain what a backlash/overdrive system is? I'm not familiar with those terms.|||Quote:
Can somebody explain what a backlash/overdrive system is? I'm not familiar with those terms.
I have never heard the term before either, but the OP's post seems to suggest some sort of mechanic where every spell you cast will cause some sort of "overheat" meter to increase. Stop casting spells for some time and the meter will slowly decrease. Keep casting and if the meter exceeds a certain threshold, your character will suffer some sort of penalty (eg: hp loss, unable to cast spells for some time etc). However, there might be some incentive to keep casting spells (maybe the higher your overheat meter is, the more damage your spells do?).
So it is a fine balancing act. Are you willing to suffer a continuous drawback (such as constant hp loss) in exchange for the ability to deal more damage with your spells? Might be useful for short "nova" bursts, but unsustainable over an extended period of time (since spamming healing pots is no longer possible).
Or feel free to correct me if I am way off the mark.

In Warhammer Online Sorceress and Bright wizards used systems that controlled their triggerhappyness. The basic idea is that you have AP resource, that you use to cast spells. This is fastly regenerating resource and you can spam spells quite fastly. Other resource is Dark magic (different name for BW). Around half of the spells push up the dark magic. What it gives is a passive buff for crit and damage (can't be certain it was both) but it gives you a chance to backfire a spell if it's a spell that generates more dark magic. Dark magic went from 0 -> 100. The backfire rate isin't linear but in the end it's 100% backfire. To keep the passive buff up you have to cast spells that generate dark magic time to time.
Skills that generate dark magic are generally better than the ones that don't. (shorter casting time / more damage per AP etc.) Idea is that you spam some generating spells at start and then keep it up as much as you dare and cast normal spells in between. You can eventually take the backfire or let the buff drop (it won't drop instantly but at quite fast rate after it starts dropping).
I think this kind of system would be pretty neat in a ARPG that is really fast paced. I think it needs to be modified a bit tho. Atleast i think it should only have one resource and not AP and the dark magic. Dunno if the normal spells should be free, but i'm pretty much against every skill having a cooldown. Every class needs a spam skill for brainless smashing!

PS: and yes, you can suicide yourself whit this in WAR and gain achievements from pvp kills

In Warhammer Online Sorceress and Bright wizards used systems that controlled their triggerhappyness. The basic idea is that you have AP resource, that you use to cast spells. This is fastly regenerating resource and you can spam spells quite fastly. Other resource is Dark magic (different name for BW). Around half of the spells push up the dark magic. What it gives is a passive buff for crit and damage (can't be certain it was both) but it gives you a chance to backfire a spell if it's a spell that generates more dark magic. Dark magic went from 0 -> 100. The backfire rate isin't linear but in the end it's 100% backfire. To keep the passive buff up you have to cast spells that generate dark magic time to time.
Skills that generate dark magic are generally better than the ones that don't. (shorter casting time / more damage per AP etc.) Idea is that you spam some generating spells at start and then keep it up as much as you dare and cast normal spells in between. You can eventually take the backfire or let the buff drop (it won't drop instantly but at quite fast rate after it starts dropping).
Those systems are really nice to fight mindless spam and trigger happy mages and sorcerers, but if done wrong they could force players into stereotyped or limited types of gameplay (like forcing you to use spells or magic you don't want to just to cheat the overheat system or cool it down in other words).
They only way to make systems like these really work in an ARPG is to:-
1-Make the system general .. meaning it isn't linked to a certain skills/spell or a certain type of magic or certain element.
2-Make players want to use differernt skills/spells becasue they are useful in combat/surviving not because they help the player cheat the overheating system.
I think this kind of system would be pretty neat in a ARPG that is really fast paced. I think it needs to be modified a bit tho. Atleast i think it should only have one resource and not AP and the dark magic. Dunno if the normal spells should be free, but i'm pretty much against every skill having a cooldown. Every class needs a spam skill for brainless smashing!

Of course giving every skill a cool down is bad, i played TQ and can easily see it is quite annoying that almost every single skill has a cool down, i can understand they were trying to encourage use of mulitple skills instead of single skill spam (like in D2) but they really overdid it (eventhough they did include passives to reduce the cool down on some skills)
Point is, having cool down on high-tier skills is recommended, having it on low tier skills is a bad idea, you should be able to spam weak skills since late game they become less effective, so i support having the cool downs on high-end skills/spells and giving the players the option to reduce such cool down slightly by skill runes, passives and increasing skill level if they want to invest in high-end skills.|||I personally feel that wizards should have low-level attack spells with no cooldowns and more importantly, do not cost any mana (or whatever its incarnation will be at all. Wizards should never be forced to have to resort to swinging a quarterstaff in battle, so maybe certain spells such as magic missle should be their "basic attack". After all, it doesn't cost a barb any mana to just swing his axe in a fight, so why should it cost a wizard something to use their most elementary attack?
1-Make the system general .. meaning it isn't linked to a certain skills/spell or a certain type of magic or certain element.
I was thinking it be applicable to all spells a wizard can cast. In a way, it could be as much of a drawback as a boon, in that you may actually need to keep an eye on how aggressively you cast spells if you do not wish to suffer the drawbacks.|||Quote:
Can somebody explain what a backlash/overdrive system is? I'm not familiar with those terms.
Runestar is pretty close to what the system would be like. Let me just add a few things. Backlash/ Overdive systems are ones of risk and rewards. The systems allows a player to decided how much risk they are willing to take.
Here are a few ways to implement a Backlash / Overdrive system.
A: Every spell the Wiz cast (in a short amount of time) progressively does more damage but also makes them more susceptible to damage.
B: Every spell the Wiz cast adds to a meter, the higher the meter is the more damage each spell does, but the higher the meter is the greater the chance that the Wiz will take damage from her own spells.
Backlash systems lean towards the player doing damage to them self.
Overdrive systems lean more towards making the character weaker to attacks.
Both though have the same effect on the characters damage output.
Some of them have a release mechanic, where in the player can reset their meter so to prevent the player from killing themselves or risking to much damage.
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