My second wizard (yes I will make 2 despite of respeccing!) will be a male with the best damage dealling skills wich I can abuse for mf

It will be something like this
Arcane Wizard
1-Magic Missile
Active Skill
Rank:: 1/5
Description:: Fire 1 missile(s) of energy at your enemies causing 3-5 arcane damage to them.
Mana Cost:: 5
2-Arcane Orb
Active Skill
Rank:: 1/5
Description:: An orb of pure energy deals 11-16 on contact and an additional 1-2 arcane damage to all enemies in the blast area.
Active Skill
Rank:: 0/5
Description:: Emanate a beam of pure energy dealing 12 arcane damage per second. Damage is modified to 80% each time the beam passes through a target.
Mana Cost:: 12 mana per second
4-Slow Time
Active Skill
Rank:: 0/5
Description:: Warp space and time, slowing nearby monsters and projectiles.
Cool down: 20 seconds.
Enemy cool down increase: 1 seconds.
Mana Cost:: 20
5-Arcane Torrent
Active Skill
Rank:: 0/5
Description:: Meteorites pelt the targeted region dealing 10 to 20 damage per second.
Mana Cost:: 12 mana per second.
6-Energy Shield
Active Skill
Rank:: 1/5
Description:: A protective barrier absorbs incoming damage using mana. Every point of damage costs 2 mana.
Mana Cost:: 5
Damage absorbed: 75
Duration:120 seconds
Prerequisite of: Arcane Weakness
Expanded Mind
Passive Skill
Rank:: 1/5
Description:: Expands the Wizard’s knowledge increasing the Wizard’s mana by 12%.
Arcane Weakness
Passive Skill
Rank:: 0/5
Requires: 1 point(s) in Energy Shield
Description:: Enemies damaged by your arcane spells are affected with Arcane Weakness, increasing damage taken by 20% for 5 seconds.
Stability Control
Passive Skill
Rank:: 1/5
Description:: Health globes restore 10% mana when picked up.
Later on i will make a second Wizard focused on being melee (mostly using buffs from Conjuring tree along with some utility skills from the Arcane for quick escaping and crowd control.
And i'd also like to try making a third Wiz to try out making a different approach for magic/melee hybrid (a.k.a Warlock) which is focused a little more on magic than the typical Melee wiz (which IMO needs more focus on direct damage and getting exceptional melee gear)|||Don't we get 7 active skills?|||Quote:
Don't we get 7 active skills?
Yeah, but it doesn't mean every build must have 7 skills, some will choose to focus (deeply invest or max out) on 5 or 6 rather than investing in 7 active skills, and some might actually need all the 7 skills and have one or two extra skills they switch to manually in in special situations (manually pick up from the skill tab and put into the skill bar).
It's all about the build you are going for ... and also how much deep investing can one do in skills (hopefully it will be up to 15 points), but that's another topic.

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