I don't think you can walk with the indigo rune effect, although that would be awesome. At least all other forms of this spell, and its relatives require the Wizard to stand still.
Crimson rune will make this an awesome boss killer. Also nice reference to Void Rays. I see obsidian rune more of a PvP debuff than anything else, depends on how long the effect lasts.
So the enemies are supposed to still come after you although they can see that you are protected by a shield of frost. Same thing as going after a barb that is whirlwinding towards you. I thought Blizzard gave the monsters A.I. I hope they'll make the monsters smart enough to have attack plans such as dodge the whirlwind and await the end of the shield of frost etc.
Next to that. Upon disintegrate:
Blizzard left out wall of fire AFAIK so a runed disintegrate will definately be one of them. Everyone remembers/loved that wall of fire that did 8000 damage on a hellcow. Upon passing through they came out as medium fried burgers

Also will there most likely be 1 fireball rune.
I think disintegrate will only have two stages of damage: when first cast it will start off as the initial non-charged up version but it will quickly charge up to the higher damage version (shown by its change from redish/orangish to a purplish beam) when held on the same target long enough. Crimson ray of frost, however, will slowly charge up over time without having to be on the same target but with taking a good deal longer than the charge up of disintegrate and with a steady increase in damage up to the cap instead of two distinct levels of damage...
But yeah... I am getting really excited about all the different possiblities in builds with these rune effects... it is becoming increasingly evident to me that it is not necessarily about the awesomeness of single skills as it will be about the awesomeness of the combination of different skills and their rune variations... just imagine what can be done with just the different versions of this skill combined with the basic versions of other cc and movement abilities... using slow time and indigo ray of frost to trap melee in a hard to escape torrent of ice... using wave of force then the obsidian ray of frost to knock away and severely slow down a melee... using teleport and golden ray of frost to escape and slow down/freeze a large mass of enemies without worrying about using up all of your ap... using mirror images and crimson ray of frost to distract and mow down tougher enemies while they are occupied... and of course combining alabaster ray of frost with more conventional aoes to keep monsters in the path of the other aoes while causing a good amount of aoe damage itself... the possibilities are endless! xD
The good part of your post is about lower ap cost.. At the moment people consider golden rune the most "useless", simply because it does "nothing". But i think at least for pvp, it will be one of the most valuable runes, if nto the most valuable.|||Generally, you will probalby want the greatest effect in fastest time possible for PvP.
What's the point of using a cost lowering skill rune if you are unable to finish off the target fast enough, or simply end up dying before you use the extra second of casting? If you can use a Frost Ray for 3 seconds longer, does it really matter if the enemy target dives behind a pillar and denies those 3 seconds to you? It would really hurt if picking the damage oriented rune would have gotten you a kill there.|||The real question is, does the attack speed / movement speed reduction of ice armor stack with ray of frost.
If it does this has substantial implications for both pvp and pvm. If not, ray of frost is substantially less exciting as a skill, regardless of rune usage.
Of course, if the cannot be frozen mod makes it back into the game then all 4 of the wizard frost skills are completely worthless for pvp.|||I thought Blizzard said no immunities, did they change that?|||Quote:
I thought Blizzard said no immunities, did they change that?
Where did you read anything about immunities?|||Quote:
I thought Blizzard said no immunities, did they change that?
CBF is not damage immunity, it is effect immunity. The only immunities Blizzard promised us were out were damage immunities (i.e. no more cold immunes).|||Honestly, given how profoundly retarded the concept of having permanent immunity to slows is, I don't think it CBF will be in. Probably a temporary immunity/reduction as an after effect for using one of the Barbarian skill, but nothing so stupid as "put on item trololol go **** yourself all that is ranged."|||Quote:
The obsidian one sounds handy against (mini)-bosses.
Will the indigo one move with you as you walk?
I don't think you can walk with the indigo rune effect, although that would be awesome. At least all other forms of this spell, and its relatives require the Wizard to stand still.
Yeah it definitely appears to use the click and hold casting method meaning no movement or skill casting while it's up.
You may still be in luck though. In this video (~0:34-0:38), the wizard shows a hurricane-like skill variation (ice armor?) that would give the effect you're looking for.. supposing it freezes. It looks like it just may do that.
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