0:41 - 0:43 -- Floating electric orbs? Never before seen; they're probably a runestone effect in Electrocute. I wonder if they home in on enemies?
I am pretty sure that it is a rune version of Arcane Orb, the size of the spell is about the same, and the animation that the Wizard does is the same as well.|||Awesome....|||Quote:
with some kind of sparkly purple runestone effect.
It's the skill rune that combines the twisters into bigger ones as they collide. Your encyclopedic knowledge of released D3 info is disappointingly hole filled.|||Quote:
It's the skill rune that combines the twisters into bigger ones as they collide. Your encyclopedic knowledge of released D3 info is disappointingly hole filled.
On a high horse today, "Mr. Master of D3 knowledge"?

"I am disappoint."

It is used so much and it hasnt been seen in the other diablo games to my knowledge. I dont know why but it just doesnt seem like it goes for some reason. IMO the arcane attacks are a bit too garish and its because theres so much of it on screen at once. archon seems to be an awesome skill but its a purple mess, which you then add disintergrate and its a purple thing firing a red thing.
i know i sound like im ranting, but im not. i get that i might have a different opinion in game but even the demon hunter is now using purple on its back haha. surely a dark red type wing would have been more suitable to that class.|||purple is an unnatural color, which helps distinguish the tranformations from every background that your character will be standing on throughout the game. what fun is a red transformation on a red background? or red wings on a red demon hunter?
just one possible explanation.|||but the other games didnt suffer :S. fire still looked good in hell on d2 haha. i guess il have to wait and see in game

Violet is a color of purpose. Purple symbolizes magic and mystery.

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