So I guess all the female barbs in D3 are D2 barbs who had sex changes, then?
Uh... read much?
The barbarian from D2 is the only returning character. The male barb in D3 is the barb from D2. The female barb in D3 is obviously not the same character.
How about the Barbarian going from a level high enough to kill Diablo, with massive skills and awesome loot and whatnot down to level 1 again with no skills, items or abilities?
That's actually a good question, and I'd like to see them address that in his backstory. I'll take a stab at a possible story.
Maybe he hasn't been fighting much over the past 20 years for whatever reason, and his gear was taken from him. Suppose he was (falsely?) imprisoned for some crime, his weapons and armor confiscated, and he was forced to live in a cell for 10-20 years... I'm sure his fighting skills would be a bit rusty after something like that.|||According to the lore, she is technically a sorceress. She went through the Zann Esu Clan then made a mess of her stay in the Vizjerei.
She also has ice and lightning spells in addition to all her time-space altering abilities so she must of kept some of that Zann Esu knowledge.
I guess Blizzard didn't want to call her a Sorceress because that actual "person" is not returning, at least for now.
I also always thought of the D2 Sorc as either Arabian or Persian in looks. I'm leaning towards Persian.|||Quote:
How about the Barbarian going from a level high enough to kill Diablo, with massive skills and awesome loot and whatnot down to level 1 again with no skills, items or abilities?
He retired and had a family, then when he went on a cross country journey with an old friend his family was massacred by the Hulk gang and he came out of retirement with the claws sharper than ever.|||Quote:
Question - are you saying that the lack of innovation is not a bad thing (you aren't critical of that decision) or that you don't want to even attempt to critically analyze the decision (you refuse to form a position)?
One thing - I always thought Sorcerer was African.
I don't really care. I've been a fan of the mage chars in the previous Diablo games and I just want the character to be fun to play this time. The fiction they've dreamed up for the Wiz is okay; I'm not real won over by the rebellious headstrong star pupil etc. I guess it's cool they didn't just go with another wandering hero with no particular personality (which describes teh Barb, WD, and Monk, as far as we now know) but this personality doesn't really leap out at me. I like the Barb being the returning aged hero; that's more interesting to me than some attitude-heavy 20 y/o prodigy.
I do think it's fairly arbitrary that they changed the character name to a unisex synonym (witch/warlock would have been confusing?) without really changing the character background or world fiction. Read the lore for the , or some of the d1 game manual stories. The mage clans are from the eastern deserts, and they use a huge variety of magic; much more spell types in D1 than in D2. (Making them more logical predecessors of the Wizard than the D2 Sorc.)
The D2 sorcs are more mysterious and not clearly from the Eastern deserts (Lut Gholein area), but they're said to share many of the same spells as their male mage compatriots.
It was fairly obvious in D2 that they went with a Sorceress rather than a Sorcerer just to mix things up a bit on the gender options. And the D3 team has chosen to mix it up further. Which is their prerogative. Just as it's our prerogative to have some fun laughing about it.|||Even Chris Metzen called her "the sorceress" during the Blizzcon 09 opening ceremony (04:40ish).|||Quote:
Even Chris Metzen called her "the sorceress" during the Blizzcon 09 opening ceremony (04:40ish).
The fact that they had only a female wizard the first year didn't help people like myself and Metzen keep them straight, either. Seemed a direct continuation of the D2 Sorceress. If they'd debuted with the male wiz, I'd probably still be calling him the sorcerer, but not as unavoidably as I am now.
On that front, what if they'd debuted with the female monk? wouldn't that have just seemed totally confused and weird?|||Quote:
He retired and had a family, then when he went on a cross country journey with an old friend his family was massacred by the Hulk gang and he came out of retirement with the claws sharper than ever.
Heh. Didn't expect to see an Old Man Logan reference in a Diablo 3 Wizard forum.

Heh. Didn't expect to see an Old Man Logan reference in a Diablo 3 Wizard forum.

I knew that scenario sounded familiar.|||I don't care if they call the mage a sorceress or a wizard. I do like that all classes now have gender selectable. I would like some robes to be in game for wizard "armor." And dye, like it Titan Quest, would be nice.|||Quote:
I don't care if they call the mage a sorceress or a wizard. I do like that all classes now have gender selectable. I would like some robes to be in game for wizard "armor." And dye, like it Titan Quest, would be nice.
I for one like it that the D series doesn't try to fit into old stereotypes. I for one hate the dress-wearing wizard type.
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