I intend to make this a thread with all kind fo information and knowledge concerning the wizard class. Contributions are very very very much welcome and i will keep adding them into this thread. Background information, builds, statistics and formula, gear, and what not else we can think off.
This thread is mantained and kept uptodate by melianor. If you have any contributions you wish to make, simply drop a post in this thread or send a pm. I intend to either create Diablo Wiki pages for any new information that is not available there yet and related to the wizard and not try to clutter the wizard forum with this information, but just put a link right here in this thread
Wizard Knowledge libary Last update: 26th May, 2011
The knowledge library is all things theory about the wizard class. Skills, stats, statistics, numbers and so on.
I have updated this section with the current wiki pages. Any suggestions of what else to add here are welcome!
- Diablo III Wiki / Diablo III Incgamers
- Wizard introduction and stats
- Wizard active/passive skills
- Wizard Skills
- Wizard Traits
- Attributes
- Attack
- Precision
- Vitality
- Defense
- Willpower
- Life
- Resource
- Arcane Power
- Spell Damage
- Resistances
- Runestones
- Runestone effect showcase
- Wizard active / passive skills
Blizzard Diablo III Site
- Runestone effect showcase
- Wizard introduction and showcase
Wizard Build Guides Last update: 13th May, 2011
At the moment this section is more a list of speculation about possible guides, since we do not know all the information we need yet to give concise information. Until release, this list will mostly consist of threads that discuss specific builds, like melee wizard for example.
I will not put any of the more speculative builds in here at the moment, until have a complete skill tree with all ranks and all traits as well.
Surely there will be melee builds and various elemental builds. Any input on possible categories are welcome.|||Added Attributes, Mana Globe, Health Globe and post about skill tree analysis.|||Interesting... Mana globes don't drop without mana recovery?
Ahem. As a former WoW Mage player, I feel it is my sacred duty to start crying:
Interesting... Mana globes don't drop without mana recovery?
Ahem. As a former WoW Mage player, I feel it is my sacred duty to start crying:
That made me laugh

But seriously, the moment some bastard in D3 starts demanding that I pump Mana Recovery for his benefit is the moment I will hunt that bastard down IRL and stab him in the face. Real casters grow mana like real men grow their beards and 'staches - through sheer force of will.|||That made me laugh

Say, is there enough information on item attributes to integrate them into this? Like what kind of item mods are of interest to the Wizard in D3?
I remember hearing stuff like +spell damage.|||Quote:
Interesting... Mana globes don't drop without mana recovery?
Ahem. As a former WoW Mage player, I feel it is my sacred duty to start crying:
If you look close at the description on wiki, it says that at rank 1 out of 15; enemies have a 7% chance to drop a mana globe that return 25% of maximum mana when picked up. I think it's safe to assume that the mana orbs drop without the aid of the Mana Recovery skill, but when you devote more points into the skill the chance that a monster will drop an orb increases, and presumably the amount of mana regenerated when you pick up the orb increases along with the skill's rank.|||I went by the orb entry in the wiki. They said nothing about mana orbs dropping naturally there.|||Quote:
I went by the orb entry in the wiki. They said nothing about mana orbs dropping naturally there.
NKlint is referring to the Mana Recovery entry on the Wizards skills page. I guess that the text is indeed open to interpretation. I sounds like you can assume that unless you have the Mana Recovery skill, no Mana orbs will drop, but on 2nd thought that kind of defeats itself, since what happens if you choose to make a build without Mana Recovery and there are no potions to buy.
So i assume that there has to be a normal droprate. I will take this discussion out into a seperate thread though.
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