Monday, April 16, 2012

Why the Wizard? - Page 3

After reading the replies I asked myself the question and came up with this as a result...

Firstly take your mind out of the Diablo 3 context for a moment and look at how a melee character can play in a game such as God of War (take any release, I will use the highest rated release for my example) Just look at what how they have in this game as far as fun, inventive, gory etc. gameplay used methods such as : inventive weps (the extended blades), oversize smash weps like the battlehammer, the 2h axe, and so on, coupled with how movement and type of attack moves are displayed, heck lets even bring in the Devil may cry series.

I am not saying either of these games are perfect by any means, but I strongly believe they at least show potential for what can be done with melee combat in computer games (hello Tekken) and ask yourself understanding Yes to some degree there is overlap between WoW and this game as far as what elements the games offer as entertaining in regards to combat/melee, but these methods used in the other type of games I have referenced above are tools then that Blizzard are not using...

In that there is a predisposition created by in my mind a mindset within the R&D/Lore/What makes a game fun/Interpretation of feedback-from-players- /Market Analysis department/chain of command that is not ready to address this. The original player/developer sentiment this could only have been based upon would be previous fictional depiction of Wizards/Sorcerers/Warlocks compared to other DnD style character types making people believe and then in turn replicate in games 'Deep down I feel this is the class which makes me most powerful' and that is what everybody truly wants defining 'powerful' as a concept as powerful enough to succeed in this universe with the least resistance and Sorcs generally do that the easiest or are set in such a way as that this is there role and it will be easy, fun blasty dps, more intuitive controls. better movement etc....

FINE but please would they then perhaps focus more onto the melee and how it translates into fun and address some issues there. Make it 50/50% or at least whatever % the player-base of that style represents, easy! Why for example could the Diablo3 melee not be almost Soul Caliber like? (my bias is shown here in how high I rate Soul Caliber, but equally any true or skill base combat testing 1v1 game, I also play alot of CS) And therein for me explains why I truly prefer the caster. But perhaps really for the wrong reasons? |||Mirror image, slow time, and teleport.

Nothing else I've heard or read about Diablo 3 excites me as much as these 3 skills.

Still trying to figure out what spells I'll be using to actually kill my enemies, but that's kind of irrelevant don't you think, since everything will be attacking my clones, moving at below zombie speeds and disappearing behind me, why do i even need to kill anything =)|||Quote:

Mirror image, slow time, and teleport.

Nothing else I've heard or read about Diablo 3 excites me as much as these 3 skills.

Still trying to figure out what spells I'll be using to actually kill my enemies, but that's kind of irrelevant don't you think, since everything will be attacking my clones, moving at below zombie speeds and disappearing behind me, why do i even need to kill anything =)

Just wait 'til you encounter your first Bossfight...|||Native Teleport, I like to MF |||It's Male...Got tried of running around in a skirt The skills are awesome...|||I think a cooldown in teleport is bad! They should maybe make it high mana taking skill, but not with cooldown!|||you are probably right a cooldown is bad, just remove it all together|||The Wizard will probably be MM second character of choice. Tho he does wish for more of its abilities to be more dissimilar from the sorceress, hopefully the Arcane skill tree will keep MM satisfied.|||Quote:

I never liked the D2 sorc much, I hated running out of mana and hated the way spamming one skill over and over worked so well.

But I loved the D&D mage, which the wizard seems to have borrowed heavily from - Mirror Image and Slow Time make the wizard far more interesting than the D2 sorc ever was.

Man... I can't agree more. There is a lot of DnD spells and...Arcane magic! That was always my dream - to play a DnD mage in a computer hack and slash RPG. |||Quote:

Just wait 'til you encounter your first Bossfight...

Hm. well, seeing as none of those skills are level 1 I'll at least have lightning attack or something.

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