Monday, April 16, 2012

Why the Wizard? - Page 4

Sorceress was my favourite class in D2. In other games I also always preferred the purely magic based classes. I'm not fond of getting my cloth bloody and dirty and instead prefer to nuke my enemies into oblivion from a safe distance.

And so, the Wizard will be my main class, focussed on Arcane Magic as much as the new skill system allows. A male one at that. Fear my upcoming Sea Star Hat of Pointy Death! And to top if off, I'm gonna dye all of his armor purple, oh yes, indeed! Glorious days are ahead of me if Magic Missile can still be runed to create multiple missiles, loved that spell in Baldur's Gate.

Since I also love playing alts and giving them gear found/crafted on my main I'll be sure to create and one of each of the other classes and play them to some extend. Maybe I'll even go so far as to make a male and female of each one if the skill customization allows a pretty different playstyle within each class.|||My dreams will become true!!!

Bashioks summary of the first D3 panel contains this fine line:

"A level-one rune applied to the wizard�s Magic Missile skill fires two missiles, while the max-level rune turns it into a screen-filling barrage."

Words can't describe how happy I am right now. I'm SO gonna enjoy my Wizard of the Arcane Arts!|||Heh. I am more interested in Disintegrate. Anyone who played Hexen II with the Crusader and used a Tome of Power for his Sunstaff would know why. If there is a Skillrune that does that I will die happy.|||I don't know which panel showed it, Gameplay or Crafting Sanctuary, but in one of them they showed some of the new rune effects and one turned the fiery Hydra into an arcane Hydra who shoots exploding arcane orbs. How friggin' cool is that?|||I prefer the Firewall variant. I always liked the making Firewall crosses.|||She's beautiful.|||I enjoy the idea, that they do not only give skills more damage or other effects through skill runes, but actually totally change the appearance of the skill, emphasizing the effect alot more. All of the hydras looked very cool, the firewall version seemed a bit confusing, as to where it would spawn the firewall.

The magic missile barrage was just the best to watch. It made the character appear really powerful.|||For me, the Wizard is the Glass Cannon class and I've always been drawn to Glass Cannons. Nothing like a little hand grenade action to make your problems go away. Sure, I tend to end up splattered across the screen (it happened in D2 with my Sorceress, especially in the later parts of the game on Nightmare), but I tend to keep a high kill to death ratio so nothing's lost. I'll admit, I never got far on Hell, single player... Everything having immunity to something really screwed the sorceress... I hope the wizard isn't as hosed in D3...

In fact, my biggest regret in WoW is never rolling a Mage. Don't get me wrong, I love my Elemental Shaman, but if I were to wake up tomorrow and it was the day I picked up WoW, but I had all of the knowledge about the game that I have now, I would start immediately with a mage.|||Quote:

The magic missile barrage was just the best to watch. It made the character appear really powerful.

Indeed, but it would be nicer to watch if we had as much projectiles as the Demon Hunters Multi-Shot skill, of course with toned down damage. |||Just wait untill you meet the 5 runeversion of MM, only then you can judge it completely.

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