Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wizard ain't gonna be usin' mana(!) - Page 2

That doesn't promote the use of multiple skills, it forces you to. Too limiting imo.|||Quote:

That doesn't promote the use of multiple skills, it forces you to. Too limiting imo.

That's true. In that case, what would be the most important aspects of the wizard's new resource system?

- If skills are used too much, should it deplete the wizards resources so that she has to either wait for it to recharge or use melee attacks in the meantime?

- Should there be some kind of bonus applied to skills used when the wizard's resources are full? This might encourage players to mix melee attacks in with active skills.

- Should there be a penalty for running out of resources?

I'm trying to think how they are planning to set the new system apart from mana. The barbarian's fury system supports his unique style of play, so I assume they are trying to create something that will compliment the wizard's gameplay as well.|||Quote:

It does mess with the lore, though. According to the manuals and books, mana is the force that permeates the world. It powers everyone. It seems like the Wizard, more than anyone, would have a mana globe. I'm hoping they explain everything lore-wise. It's disheartening when there're so many inconsistencies in the lore.

There are many ways to use the same force. Both your light bulb and your computer run on the same force. Something similar might be possible.

Didn't they say they wanted to make the damage of the skill depending on the fullness of the mana orb? A full mana orb would do more damage. Thus something like this might be possible. you start of in the middle of the orb, using spells decreases the amount of mana you have. Yet if you play good (good play still needs to be filled in), you leech back a certain number of mana. If you manage to go over the middle, you gain additional damage. If you go under, you lose damage.

Now, you can have two different thing. if you manage to gain mana (go over the middle), the wizard tries to keep the additional power so it only goes back to the normal middle slowly. if however you lost mana, the wizard tries to get back to the normal point, thus it goes rather fast.

So you don't punish the bad, yet reward to good players.

P.S. Sound more like something for the witch doctor.|||I'm not sure what the point is, really. Why not have mana for everyone, even the barb?

What I had in mind is the barb's skills are mostly all free, but his warcries and some "magic"-looking ones like summoning the Hammer of the Ancients would of course cost mana. Some free-to-use skills for the barb would be balanced by the fact that he has to risk his life in melee whereas casters are safe and far away, so casters have a cost for their skills.

Really, fury should be more like stamina or something because you wouldn't be able to whirlwind forever. You would get tired. The old mana orb mechanic would make more sense, maybe named stamina or w/e. But insted they have it completely reversed. With the fury system you simply fight forever and ever as long as more monsters keep arriving. Wasn't the whole point of an orb to make sure no one uses their skill forever non-stop?

It sounds like Blizzard is making life really hard for themselves because they will totally have to balance a different mechanic for each class. I'm not sure why the need is there.|||Quote:

What parties globes are going to disappear REALLY fast because everyone is going to need a refill of something all the time. You can forget about team strategy of conserving them for a champion/boss fight.

For all I read from Blizzcon, I think a boss drop globes each time his heath reaches a 25%

It means, when you causes them 25% of damage, then drop some orbs, same at 50% and at 75%.

Perhaps I'm wrong, but I understood it.

For the other question, I think people must communicate for prevent this. It is not a good idea pick every orb, because you would need at different moments, everytime someone is hurt.

Each time I see more features, I imagine Diablo3 as a cooperative game, and a very tactical game.

And concerning the main idea of the post, I must wait to see the different "mana-orbs" for each class before make an opinion myself. Fury looks like an interest system for a barbarian, better than mana. I just hope they can develop an original system for each class. I can't see it working well, but I have faith in Blizzard, then I'll wait.

This is the best problem, IMHO: the long wait for every little change to take effect, and I hope we shall play Diablo3 before we die lol.|||I think your right Valmy. In the Jay Wilson interview with IGN he made it sound like the boss will drop health globes every time it hits a health milestone.

These new systems sound like an awesome idea to make each class different in play style, even more so then just the skills they use. Diablo 2 although had its good share of verity some of the classes played similar. This way no class will play the same even if they both attack from the same range.

Here is a link to a system I came up with that might work.|||Here's an idea for a kind of 'reverse' mana system:

You can only cast spells when at full mana. Each spell has a different mana cost, and your mana regenerates very quickly. So if you cast a powerful spell, you suffer a long cooldown time where you can't cast anything. Cast a cheaper spell and you can cast another spell within a short time.|||Here's another brainstorming post:

How does mana work? Assuming they don't change it for the witch doctor, it's a simple resource with a small penalty when you run out. The penalty is that you have to wait for it to recharge or pick up a mana/health orb (if they stick with that change) in order to keep using skills. There's no reward for successful hits (barring some kind of mana leech system).

How does fury work? As of now, it seems like a system that encourages action, as it's the only way to build fury. Lower level skills like Cleave can be used frequently as long as you are hitting something, whereas higher tier skills like Hammer of the Ancients cost more.

So, how should the wizard's system work? I don't follow the lore very closely, but she uses forbidden magic, right? Should that fact be shown in her resource system?

I know there are quite a few skills that would allow for a melee build (Magic Weapon, all of the defensive skills), but in general, it's safe to assume that the wizard will have lower health/armor/strength than the other classes. I think they definitely don't want the wizard to run out of resources constantly, as that would lead to running away from enemies, which is not very fun.

So, my question is, what should be included in this new system? What kinds of things should be encouraged or discouraged? What kind of bonuses or penalties would you like to see?|||Quote:

So, how should the wizard's system work? I don't follow the lore very closely, but she uses forbidden magic, right? Should that fact be shown in her resource system?

I know there are quite a few skills that would allow for a melee build (Magic Weapon, all of the defensive skills), but in general, it's safe to assume that the wizard will have lower health/armor/strength than the other classes. I think they definitely don't want the wizard to run out of resources constantly, as that would lead to running away from enemies, which is not very fun.

So, my question is, what should be included in this new system? What kinds of things should be encouraged or discouraged? What kind of bonuses or penalties would you like to see?

The thing to be encouraged with the Wizard, is that the player should use varied abilities to deal with hordes as efficiently as possible. It would be neat if the use of powerful abilities such as Meteor didn't become too commonplace. Here's another idea for a mana system.

Each tier is given its own mana pool. Does anyone remember Hexen? I think there was like, green mana and blue mana. So it's like that. You might think it's complicated for a fast-paced game, but you'd pick it up in no time, killing horde after horde. With this, you'd be weighing up the choice of Temporal Armour or Blizzard, things like that.

I can see two problems with this, however.

1. It would probably cause players to concentrate in one skill per tier, defeating the purpose of the idea.

2. Having only a few skills per mana type would be pretty dull. You probably wouldn't end up managing a mana type so much as just casting spells from that pool automatically whenever you could.

So there's my second idea. I really think regular mana worked pretty well, but I'm not at all opposed to a change if it's a good one.|||Quote:

My idea was this: there are four glowing runes in place of the mana sphere. You use Disintegrate for a while, and the first rune starts to fade. Once it runs out, it doesn't start to refill (or it does, but at a very slow rate). So you switch to Electrocute. If you hit an enemy with it, the first rune starts to refill with each successful hit as your second rune starts to fade. Then you switch to Arcane Orb, which refills the first two runes as the third starts to deplete.

For defensive skills like Storm Armor or Temporal Armor, they would refill the other runes as you take hits. In other words, as you use an active skill, it refills the meters on your other active skills. But they only replenish the other meters if they take effect. If you use Disintegrate on a wall, it would just deplete one meter until it's gone. This would prevent spamming one skill, and it would promote the use of multiple skills.

I like your idea. I doubt they will call it "runes" though.

Given what other people have said about the freedom to spam, I think two things would help:

1) Make the resource runes replenish by themselves, not by successful hits with other skills. You could have them replenish pretty quickly so that you are not overly limited from using the same spell. You could also have other skills affect that replenishment even through systems like the one you said, i.e., hitting with another skill will offer returns on another resource rune.

2) Make it so that a spell will deplete one rune first, then all the remaining runes simultaneously. This is a great way to give freedom to the player not only to spam one spell if they want (so long as they can quickly replenish their resource runes quick enough), but also to allows an emergency exit for those players who get into a situation where they need precisely one skill but have used up the resource rune for it.

I think this topic deserves a thread of its own, so I start one under the title "Alternate Power-Resource Systems: Mana, Fury and ???". I hope you don't mind, but I will copy your post in and change out the word "rune" and "meter" to "chamber" so no one else gets confused and so no one trolls us on semantics. If you want me to use a different word, let me know. Here is the link:

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