Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wizard Will Be The Least Played Character in D3 - Page 8

[:1]best spells graphic wise and highest seemingly skill capped playstyle... yea ill be playing the wizard.|||All classes will be gear dependant.

So its wizard first and then witch doctor. Everything else is less appealing. I don't care if its least played or not. Who cares? Since when has that been a choice for playing? =)|||Wizard has the most appeal to me from the gameplay videos so far. I will definately try all the classes eventually but thinking wizard main.|||I never played Diablo but I played WoW as a Warlock so I definitely plan on playing the Wizard. Magic based classes just seem a lot more fun to me than melee and I like the variety of abilities that the Wizard has. I can't wait to teleport, slow time, freeze, AoE.|||Right now I'm using my boyfriends login to post this. My name is Heather and I've never played a Diablo game before. Due to the recent "great flood" of information pertaining to the newest addition to the series of games I have however become increasingly interested in the game. I have played D&D and also quite a bit of WoW as well, due to my immense interest in spell casters and enchantment sort of characters I've been more inclined to play as a wizard.

Considering i have yet to play any Diablo game i suppose my opinion is somewhat biased, however i disagree with this thread. Now, just to clarify i am not a regular user of these forums so I'm not looking for any unneeded drama or bashing of my post. The only way to determine what the least played class would be is to wait and see. There really is no way to tell that out of a very LARGE group of people, which class any number of them would chose. Some may start off already wanting to play as a wizard, others may be deterred away from other classes for their own reasons. I have heard soooo many great things about this game so far ranging from the rune stones, gems, skills, passives and not to mention the awesome leaked videos from yesterday. There's been a lot of opportunities for me to see other classes and their abilities so i have reason to believe that maybe i haven't seen enough of every class to make a decision of which class id like to play. Even with the first few pieces of information i've seen about Diablo 3, the wizard class appealed most to me. It's all a matter of opinion. For example, the Barbarian is madd ill and has a great amount of skills ive seen thus far that make the class optimal, however i think that class would be the least played based on my insignificant opinion. -FIN|||Quote:

Right now I'm using my boyfriends login to post this. My name is Heather and I've never played a Diablo game before. Due to the recent "great flood" of information pertaining to the newest addition to the series of games I have however become increasingly interested in the game. I have played D&D and also quite a bit of WoW as well, due to my immense interest in spell casters and enchantment sort of characters I've been more inclined to play as a wizard.

Considering i have yet to play any Diablo game i suppose my opinion is somewhat biased, however i disagree with this thread. Now, just to clarify i am not a regular user of these forums so I'm not looking for any unneeded drama or bashing of my post. The only way to determine what the least played class would be is to wait and see. There really is no way to tell that out of a very LARGE group of people, which class any number of them would chose. Some may start off already wanting to play as a wizard, others may be deterred away from other classes for their own reasons. I have heard soooo many great things about this game so far ranging from the rune stones, gems, skills, passives and not to mention the awesome leaked videos from yesterday. There's been a lot of opportunities for me to see other classes and their abilities so i have reason to believe that maybe i haven't seen enough of every class to make a decision of which class id like to play. Even with the first few pieces of information i've seen about Diablo 3, the wizard class appealed most to me. It's all a matter of opinion. For example, the Barbarian is madd ill and has a great amount of skills ive seen thus far that make the class optimal, however i think that class would be the least played based on my insignificant opinion. -FIN

Well put lady of Swiggy. Now get an account here, so we can have some more people putting their minds and opinion with good words for discussion!

I think it's simply what your are made for as a gamer combined with some of your personal experiences. I have never played anything but the typical mage/wizard in any kind of game, where i had character classes to choose from. Seems its just the way i am wired, and i like it, because it gives me the most fun and playing experience out of a game, and after all that's all that mattes. That's why we play. If the fun is gone, the game is history! Addiction might have a factor here too, but best playing experience is still the major drive.|||I really enjoy playing Casters so I will most likely roll a Wizard the first time around. I really like the Wizards spells I've seen so far. The other biggest factor for me is I enjoy the glass cannon feeling. I play DnD often and I love to play a solo Sorc because I enjoy the feeling of one hit and I'm more than likely dead.

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