Monday, April 16, 2012

Why the Wizard? - Page 2

ive always been the mage in diablo games especially in the first one it was truly a glass cannon since it was easy to get stun locked (hell anyone?) so you had to be extra careful and kite like crazy but the feeling after you had succeeded to clear even one room in hell hell damn it was awesome! that reminds me i have to reinstall D1... in Diablo 2 mage because you get the most overpowered skill FOR FREE: teleport and it was too awesome to melt every monsters face with Frozen orb in nightmare easily one of my favorite spells in this series, too bad it lost almost completetly its usefulness in hell.

In diablo 3 im going to pick absolutely wizard because of the badassnes + they are getting some really interesting skills|||I never liked the D2 sorc much, I hated running out of mana and hated the way spamming one skill over and over worked so well.

But I loved the D&D mage, which the wizard seems to have borrowed heavily from - Mirror Image and Slow Time make the wizard far more interesting than the D2 sorc ever was.|||I like the feeling of graceful power the wizard, of either gender, seems to give off. I've never been a Barbarian fan, with the exception of throwing barbs, but that build never went far for me. They feel powerful, but crude, which is what the design was going for probably, but I don't like it. The Witch Doctor is a cool concept, and I really want to try out Wall of Zombies, but so far it looks a bit too much like a Necromancer, which I really had trouble getting into. Which leaves the Wizard and Monk, which will probably be my first two classes I'll play.|||While the style of other classes appeal more to me at first, after 100,000 mobs I usually grow tired of chasing down every stray monster and restart as something more convenient (that is, ranged) D:|||I prefer range to melee as my battle style and I love caster spell graphic design (well in most games ive played, lol). Ive always love magic in MMO or RPG games, so that the main draw for my |||I like the wizard, because I always like magic-casting characters. I find melee very boring. It's usually just different ways of hitting something with a sword.

Magic users, in most games, have a wider variety of actions and utilities. Just more interesting.|||I love the way the wizz is shaping up Mirror image FTW nothing cooler than having a mob linch your clones while you unleash powerful spells of destruction *mahahahahahaha*|||Not the need for good/elite/godly gear and still killing everything in your sight. Which means single player is also doable without mf-ing for good gear.

Oh yes, and teleport....|||Well if so your info is outdated, wizz have +% to skill/magic damage now, so everyone is more or less equal now.|||wizard is the pure caster which is always fun for me in games. this class will get lots of attention from me. not a fan of the male wizard art though which is a big let down since i really liked his concept art

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