Monday, April 16, 2012

Female Wizard gear set

|||I like this a lot better than the Witch Doctor one. Even more-so after they reminded us of the dye mechanic:

[blue]keep in mind if you don't happen to like that shade of red, it can drop in any number of colors, or be customized to your liking through the dye system.[/blue]

EDIT: Don't read the comments in the Facebook thread I linked above. Just don't. |||Quote:

I like this a lot better than the Witch Doctor one. Even more-so after they reminded us of the dye mechanic:

[blue]keep in mind if you don't happen to like that shade of red, it can drop in any number of colors, or be customized to your liking through the dye system.[/blue]

EDIT: Don't read the comments in the Facebook thread I linked above. Just don't.

Soz, I did =( man are those people impatient or what?


Blizzard Quote: (Source)

Our armor preview continues today with a behind-the-scenes look at the female wizard sporting a red plate mail set.

Woot! Glad to have extra confirmation that casters aren't weakling clothies.|||i really like the idea of not being forced to run around with my wizard in big bulky armor. doing it this way should provide a better look for the characters. just hope it does not look really bad when mismatched|||Overwhelming "meh".|||Needs moar plate.|||ehh where where the plate mail in that picture

is it hiding under that orange garment??

at least she is protective about her legs

will be interesting to see how my characters look with the most defensive looking gear on them. This reminds me more of a goth:s evening dress that got to much color on it.|||@lone_wolf

My guess would be the parts that are plate mail are: Boots, gauntlets, the belt looking thing, breastplate, and that shoulderpad, and the helm also.

Sure it doesn't look like more traditional and practical platemail, but then again it'd be boring if it was.|||i have heard about and seen chainmail bikinis but this is the first time i seen a plate male bikini. Here midriff is more or less bare. But i guess its the usual fantasy thing going on as usual.

@AxeX i guess your right but i would not call that a breastplate|||I *love* the idea of random color drops. This adds another variable that affects an items desirability and trade value, but this time it's purely aesthetical.

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