Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wizard Will Be The Least Played Character in D3 - Page 4

[:1]I`m gonna try this character FIRST OKAY? Then figure out ways how to kill it in act 2. :smug|||I can't wait to play the Wizard! Definitely my most-anticipated character.|||Wizards are probably going to be the most played char like the sorc is one of the most played now.|||Quote:

Its probably my first character. Not for nothing...the chars that interest me the least are monk and witch doctor. Barbarian is last. Only two I wanna try are demon hunter and wizard.

If the Monk and the WD are the classes you are least interested in, why then do you say that you will play the Barbarian last? that doesn't make any sense.|||Wizard is going to be a popular character if only because people love this character type.

You are looking at the class from the narrow perspective as a Diablo 2 player wanting to play something different. I'm sure there are plenty of D2 players who would play the wizard if it was an exact copy of the sorceress. Also though it may come as a shock to some, I'm sure there will be a lot of people playing Diablo 3 who have never played Diablo 2, or played very little of Diablo 2.|||Quote:

I think the male Wizard has the potential to be the least played, since most will probably pick the more attractive female version, part of that being that the Sorceress in D2 was also female.

But I can live with that, so I can be a special snowflake!

I guess you will be a little less special since I too will be playing a male wizard as my main. I will just try to look away from my character during the starfish hat tier...|||Quote:

I guess you will be a little less special since I too will be playing a male wizard as my main. I will just try to look away from my character during the starfish hat tier...

you`ll be thrilled at the Unicorn tier with rainbow emitting giant shoulderpads !|||Quote:

As I was never into melee, Wiz is what I will start first.

I'm into melee, I'm making an Arcane warrior

I like the idea of a meele character whom can bust out a sick spell for crowd control or to chase down fleeing fallen, fight back rangers at their own game or even just deal some damage while a monster waddles its fat *** over to me

just like my d2 deathknight (melee/bone necro, passion wep for zeal, max bone armor synergies and bone spear)

I'm prolly gonna sink my points into the dimensional shard or blade or whatever it is, magic missle and some awesome aoe spell (maybe meteor?), slow time and maybe some def buffs like ice armor or diamond skin or whatever

def gonna take advantage of the weapon master trait (increase both melee AND spell damage for using a sword/mace/axe) and the + Vit trait (and + vit charms, I'm gonna need to be able to tank)|||Quote:

I think the male Wizard has the potential to be the least played, since most will probably pick the more attractive female version, part of that being that the Sorceress in D2 was also female.

But I can live with that, so I can be a special snowflake!

You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. We are all part of the same decaying compost heap. /endFCquote

Back to the topic, all I have to say is... WHAT? IMO, the Sorc seems to be one of the more popular characters out there. I personally will be rolling Barb and then Monk/WD, but I keep hearing about people on the forums and podcasts saying that Wizard will be their main.

For one, Wizard is the typical Spelly/Casty type. No summoning, no melee bashing combos, pure ranged pewpews. This is a timeless RPG role that will attract Diablo veterans and newcomers alike.

Secondly, Wizards seem (so far, all knowledge given to us is pro-alpha) to be quite competant in PvP, which is another huge attraction to their class. Being ranged, having numerous CC effects (AoE Slow Time, AoE Frost Nova, more, other spells that have runed slowing properties), and having Teleport, are all huge boons to the Wizard class when PvP is considered.

You heard it here, I fully expect that more that with 5 classes, more than 20% will be Wizards.|||Wizard will be one of the most played, and almost certainly will be by far the best MF character and probably PvP as well. The reason for this is because of Teleport. Just imagine D2 without Enigma armors. Suddenly Sorcs the only good MF character, and in a brand new game MFing will be at a premium. Same thing with speed runs on bosses for leveling. With only 1 class able to Teleport, that class will be the best.

In other words, the Wizard will probably be both the fastest leveler as well as the best MF character. Furthermore, if there isn't a lot of absorb gear in the game, the Wizard's superior mobility will probably allow it to dominate PvP as well. That pretty much covers all the bases and will almost certainly make it the most popular class.

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