Monday, April 16, 2012

teleport on huge cooldown?

After seeing the arena footage it seems to me that teleport is on huge cooldown now.

I dont like this! Teleport should be spammed like crazy. This makes diablo so cool! Being uber and spam teleport all around! I WANT NO-COOLDOWN TELEPORTSSSSS! T.T|||I don't remember seeing such in PvP footage. In PvE footage all the extra movement skills, Spirit Walk and that shadow walk from the demon hunter seemed not to have a cooldown and if at all just a small one. What i did not see though was characters "walking" through walls in that fashion.

So i assume we are in for some changes regarding those fast transport skills. I like Teleport in D2 alot, but i think in D3 there will be other means to counter this. Also all the other classes do possess this kind of fast transport skill, so it would not make much sense to have all classes spam it out and nobody catching nobody.|||A lot of pve skills are modified when you use them in pvp for better balance.

There were cooldowns on a number of skills in pvp that didn't have cooldowns in the pve demo.|||From the PvP video it's about 8-10 seconds|||Teleport can still be potentially spammable, but... I think that would only happen with maximum point investment. Mobility is absurdly powerful. Teleport was pretty much the strongest skill in Diablo 2 and it was paradoxically a 1 point wonder.|||The only time I ever needed a spammable teleport was farming Mephisto (or something of that nature). Luckily, when end game finally comes around, we won't be farming bosses in this game (or at least not exclusively), so I don't see it as such a problem. I can live with a 1-2 (or much more?) second CD.|||There are 2 different data sets, PvE and PvP, for each skill.

Judging from the Demon Hunter Video where she used Vault quite frequently, you will maybe not see a Cooldown at all in PvE, maybe 1-2 sec tops.|||I would hope that the D2 version of teleport doesn't have a place in D3. Teleport is one of the big reasons that the inflation rate on the D2 ladder is so high. It should take longer then 3 minutes to find and kill a boss.

To say nothing of the fact that non sorcs without enigma were pretty much entering the indy 500 with a horse and buggy.

That one single skill trivializes the whole game.

I'm hoping the "fast travel" skills in D3 are mostly useful as escape mechanisms for when you get overwhelmed. With some limited use in running through already cleared areas quickly. For example when you need to backtrack to a waypoint to go sell or something.|||remember that teleport was overpowered for bossruns because of the level's randomness. levels are static in d3 with scripts and dungeons being located randomly. so no more blinking around durance of hate in search of level 3's entrance.|||Dungeons themselves are randomized in lay out. And randomness has nothing to do with this, it was overpowered because you could bypass all monsters and terrains with basically no risk for a mere 2 skill point investment.

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