Monday, April 16, 2012

teleport on huge cooldown? - Page 2


I would hope that the D2 version of teleport doesn't have a place in D3. Teleport is one of the big reasons that the inflation rate on the D2 ladder is so high. It should take longer then 3 minutes to find and kill a boss.

It has already been stated that you can't teleport trough walls, only to locations actually in line of sight.

Also, mindless repetitive boss killing is out. I'd be a happy camper if they can bring back the days of River of Flame farming. Nothing's better than a good combination of crowd killing with a nice boss fight at the end.

I strongly think they are going to take advantage of the random event mechanics in the outdoor world. You join a Hell game, go into an area, kill some monsters and suddenly find a randomly generated dungeon entrance. You'll procede to clear the dungeon, maybe find some treasure chest and at the end you'll have a mini boss fight with a good chance of dropping some nice things.|||Quote:

I strongly think they are going to take advantage of the random event mechanics in the outdoor world. You join a Hell game, go into an area, kill some monsters and suddenly find a randomly generated dungeon entrance. You'll procede to clear the dungeon, maybe find some treasure chest and at the end you'll have a mini boss fight with a good chance of dropping some nice things.

I hope your right because that sounds like a very fun way to handle MF runs. Especially with co-op play since we all get our own loot.|||No way in hell they are going to bring D2 teleport back .. never.

It was broken all over the place, not only was it a one point wonder (crappy skill design alert) but it was super spammable due to the fact that past a certain point mana resource didn't matter at all, add the fact that you could use it to skip entire dungeons/levels and top that cake of crappy skill design with Engima and we have a LOAD of crap that no sane person would want to see in D3.

Cooldown makes leveling Teleport a useful needed activity (since it shortens cooldown time) so it isn't a one point wonder any time ... and spamming it also becomes harder naturally ... so you are forced to actually use your brain (*gasps*) to survive before being able to use Teleport again .. what some might call tactics XD

In the PvP videos good players were able to "smartly" escape danger using teleport tactically (mixed with an array of other skills) .. now that fun interesting gameplay .. not mindless spam-fest ... go back to D2 if you want brainless spam-fests.|||Teleport is broken in DII and I would be glad to not see it return.|||So long as they do not bring back the crappy DII random map design then I'll be more than happy to not have DII teleport.

I don't give a **** how overpowered Teleport was. It saved me from countless boring hours of backtracking through huge gigantic u-turns or that horrible mess that was Kurast Forest.

Running a tally of all my characters, 90% of them have had access to teleport (even Barbs, although Leap does help in A3) Even my non-twinked characters get a special exception for teleport.

Not to mention idiot minions, mercenaries who just LOVE to wander around.

If teleport wasn't in D2, I'd have stopped playing after 1 week. I'd probably not have progressed beyond A3 if my second character wasn't a Sorceress.

Teleport may have been broken, but for me it was a necessary evil to compensate for that shining moment of idiocy of whichever person whose job was to design the D2 random map system.|||Quote:

Dungeons themselves are randomized in lay out.

Any source for this? Having watched the "Crafting Sanctuary" panel, I'm pretty sure the areas and dungeons are no longer created randomly in layout.|||Too lazy to search, but many interviews and old Blizzcon panels explicitly stated that the dungeon lay outs are randomized. Haven't seen anything contradicting that this Blizzcon.|||Quote:

It was broken all over the place, not only was it a one point wonder (crappy skill design alert) but it was super spammable due to the fact that past a certain point mana resource didn't matter at all,

That's the point. The resource was broken, not the skill itself. If the resource were not broken you'd see how mana intensive it really is.

From what I heard from the testers at blizzcon, vault did not have a cooldown but it was limited by mana. I'm not sure if people had access to the movement skills for the other classes. I've read so much that my brain is kind of fried. Or more fried than usual.|||If you have horrible gear, teleport is quite expensive. Then once you have top-end gear, it's so trivial to spam cast it, you don't even have to pay attention to the game anymore (just mini map). Sounds like D3 will be a lot better there.|||Who says you needed top end gear? Sure, it helps, but a few points in Teleport and a few more points in Warmth is all you needed.

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