Monday, April 16, 2012

Instability = gone. Arcane Power!

Good new Jay Wilson interview from Gamescom, and here's what he said about the Wizard's resource system.

[BLUE]For the Wizard, we could not get a version of Instability that we liked. The last version involved buff and debuff that would hit the wizard whenever she went unstable. And it was a pretty severe buff. It doubled all her damage taken while increasing her critical hit damage. And it just didn�t affect how people played. They didn�t notice it, and when they did it didn�t change what they were doing. That�s not the point of a resource. It needs to be managed to change the way that you play. So now it�s called Arcane Power and it�s not dissimilar to mana, in a lot of ways. It regenerates very quickly, but it doesn�t grow over time. It�s a flat amount. A lot of passive skills that enhance it.[/BLUE]

So, all of our past discussions on what sorts of buffs/debuffs would make Insta work are...

Not too much detail about the resource from this new quote (which is a rough transcript I did very quickly; if someone wants to get his precise wording, that would be great). So it's a pool that doesn't increase from stats, but that regens very quickly, and has a lot of skills that increase the regen.

Why would you need multiple skills to increase the regen? Warmth was plenty in D2. I'd guess the regen options aren't just from time. Probably you can tie regen to kills registered, critical hits scored, and other stuff?

Thoughts?|||Personally, I"m sorry to hear that Instability's gone. I liked the idea of "More vulnerable and more blasty," but apparently it didn't work in the game. As Jay said, they wanted something to change the gameplay style, and no one changed it.

You could complain about the continuing ****ing noobization of D3, and how nothing can go into the game if a 6 y/o can't master it within 5 minutes of picking up a joystick, but.... well, actually, let's ****ing complain about that, for a bit. In fact, lets make an entire ****ing OT thread about how all the potentially great, subtle, skill-based features in D3 seem to get ****ing removed since they're not ****ing user friendly enough to easily transfer to ****ing consoles.

Or not. Hell with it. They're doing the game style they want to do. It's been a lot of fun each time I've gotten to play it. Let's just hope there's still some skill to be used in this shiny button-masher.|||Wow, Flux.

To speak to your point, I don't see what's more "noob" than mashing a potion button or not even having to if you have enough leech and 1 skill to spam over and over and over.

But with that said, I don't like this system, to be quite honest.

It seems like there are too many variables that would make it easy to exploit Arcane Power, and any improvement in it over time would be strictly linear simply due to the nature of it.

Like a sorc in D2 if they couldn't use mana potions. To a point, you are gimped in the early game compared to the other classes (in theory) but late game what's to stop you from stacking Willpower or whatever, certain types of gear, maybe certain types of class-specific items and stacking this one thing so high that the resource, if not infinite, becomes irrelevant?

I just find it very bland and exploitable. A player like me will quickly break it. Quickly exploit it. Especially considering that the beta will not entail the entire game nor high levels (not confirmed, but c'mon now, simple logic).

Compared to this, as I've stated elsewhere, I'd prefer just straight mana plus chance to drop mana globes or something.|||I'm more in line with Flux's sentiments over Instability canned in favor of Arcane Power a.k.a. Mana 2.0.

It feels like Instability was doomed to fail by the dev's own short-sighted views on it. Instead of doing some cheesy buff/debuff make it truly interesting! Make Disintegration Beams warp, twist or randomly lash out in different directions. Make Arcane Orbs spit out smaller orbs (that do small damage) as it flies, making the primary orb get smaller as it loses bits of itself due to being unstable.

The only problem I can foresee with suggestions like those is that they do what skill runes are supposed to do: modify the skills. So now we're stuck with a different form of Mana instead that will potentially require tons of passives to make more manageable. Yay.

Don't get me wrong, I'll still have a Wizard be my 2nd character (1st will be barb), it's just disappointing to see an opportunity for a truly unique resource mechanic be scrapped b/c it didn't fit into the KISS scheme.|||From the way Jay talked about Instability its not shocking to hear it got changed. If all you get is a buff and de-buff the more you cast its not going to change the way you play.

One true way to change the way people play is to have something like a backlash system. Players would play in two different ways, some might play it safe and unleash their built up backlash before it hurts them, while some would push the envelope to see how much damage they could deal.

For anyone that don't know what a backlash system is. Its a system where a meter of some kind fills every time you cast certain spells. Some spells will add more to the meter then others (this would be how you control spamming of high lvl skills) The higher the meter the greater the chance you will take Backlash damage from your own skills. Backlash damage would be a % of the damage done to the target. The benefit of having a higher meter would be a greater chance of doing a crit. The meter will decrease over time if no spells are cast, and there can also be a few skills that can only be used once you have some backlash meter filled. but when you use them your meter will be fully emptied.

This system would force players to play different. cause they would have to be careful not to over do it. There could be a few ways to visual show your building the meter. One could be like the Assassin from D2.|||Quote:

Make Disintegration Beams warp, twist or randomly lash out in different directions. Make Arcane Orbs spit out smaller orbs (that do small damage) as it flies, making the primary orb get smaller as it loses bits of itself due to being unstable.

Because nothing says fun like not being able to predict how your skill will work when you need it?|||Quote:

Because nothing says fun like not being able to predict how your skill will work when you need it?

Then take care not to let your Wizard get too unstable?

Doesn't matter anymore since Arcane Power is here.|||I'm not really getting this...

A wizard is the completely studied one, he studies spells untill perfection, than he goes on learning the something new.

A sorcerer only takes up (knowledgewise) that which grants him more power and neglects to think ahead about consequences.

Now if a sorcerer was unstable magicwise, I would understand. But a wizard...?|||Am I the only one who would be perfectly happy quaffing mana potions like we did in D1 and D2? Seriously, what was wrong with mana potions?|||Quote:

Am I the only one who would be perfectly happy quaffing mana potions like we did in D1 and D2? Seriously, what was wrong with mana potions?

Why bother even having a resource then if you can nullify it with cheap vendor items and common drops?


Then take care not to let your Wizard get too unstable?

Doesn't matter anymore since Arcane Power is here.

Let's think about that for a minute.

"Take care not to let your Wizard get too unstable" means don't use your resource, even if you need to drop your globe to the bottom in a boss fight, a tough pack of monsters, etc. Low on resource? Better not teleport out of there. Don't try any defensive maneuvers. Gotcha.

What other class gets punished for having low resources besides the obvious bit about having low resources?

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