Monday, April 16, 2012

Instability = gone. Arcane Power! - Page 2

Still don't know enough nuts and bolts about this to make a definitive opinion. His reasoning sounds solid; the system they were trying wasn't doing what they had hoped it would do. People didn't bother looking or caring about instability after awhile, not unlike mana on high level D2 characters. Hopefully, they can play around w/ Arcane power to make it a little more interesting; simplest would be to make spells do more damage the more AP you have, giving you a very good incentive to conserve power. Passives or runes could add crit chance, lower the damage penalty for lower AP, increase regeneration, give a chance for AP gain on crit, all sorts of things. There. It's more interesting than mana, changes up the way the wizard plays and give a priority/rotation system depending on build. As for defense and controls, those should just be cooldown based, separate from AP altogether.

Edit: Reasoning on cooldown, not AP based defensive skills. Offense is proactive, defense is generally reactive. You shouldn't be "punished" w/ lower damage potential for using your defensive skills correctly. Of course, this could all be pissing in the wind given Blizz's penchant for changing everything and iterating forever.|||Quote:

Why bother even having a resource then if you can nullify it with cheap vendor items and common drops?

Let's get rid of health pots too then, right?

The health and mana orbs worked perfectly for all characters. There is absolutely no need to be screwing around with them. If the Wizard is too easy to play, it's easy enough to nerf by setting mana costs higher or percentage-based.

It's not broken and it doesn't need to be fixed. Health and mana orbs for everyone!|||I for one feel Arcane Power will stop the blizzard like spam from D2, as Riningred said "Take care not to let your Wizard get too unstable" means don't use your resource so u might not have what u need when u need it the most if u spam. In turn I feel its more of a balance all around.|||I liked Instability as a philosophical concept describing the unnatural unstable powers of (too much) magic use, but i knew such a concept wouldn't translate well or easy within a game, certainly not one where balance is more then key, namely critical. I could see the concept work as sort of a expansive gimmicky fighting system for a Devil May Cry kinda action game though.

Anyways, i don't really "un-like" (hihi) the idea of Arcane Power assuming that the regeneration rate will have a MASSIVE effect and you can't just get away with not taking this fact into account at all (Unlike mana/energy in D2). If the system is deep enough then i can see people having to really push it to get everything out of Arcane Power if they want to "spam" high Arcane Power draining spells at a reasonable rate. I'm talking about people having to make real decisions as to make their characters weaker/more defensless/less safe/less durable/more expensive for the added benefit of having a high Arcane Power regeneration, namely being able to spam spells faster without drying out Arcane Power.

Blizzard can even go as far as to make the system complex enough so that when your Arcane Power is low/high it regenerates slow/fast depending on certain (customizable, and important to more dedicated hardcore players) factors. Hell, Arcane Power could even have an innate FCR effect. I want to see items with much "Arcane Power" being as important and sought after for Sorceresses as for example "IAS" is for melee characters. Here's to hoping Blizzard can figure it out.|||Quote:

simplest would be to make spells do more damage the more AP you have, giving you a very good incentive to conserve power. Passives or runes could add crit chance, lower the damage penalty for lower AP, increase regeneration, give a chance for AP gain on crit, all sorts of things. There. It's more interesting than mana, changes up the way the wizard plays and give a priority/rotation system depending on build.

I like that one a lot, although it's extremely similar to WoW Arcane Mages' Passive Mastery:

Mana Adept: Arcane will deal damage based how much mana the mage has. For example, Arcane mages will do much more damage at 100% mana than at 50% mana. If they begin to get low on mana, they will likely want to use an ability or mechanic to bring their mana up to increase their damage.

Still, it's a very nice way to force wizards to keep an eye on their Arcane Power if they want to perform well.|||I dont think lower AP should = less dmg on spells, but AP it meant more to keep an eye on it to limit spamming, if u spam to often u might lose ur teleport escape or a mirror image detraction to stay alive.|||I like the idea of Arcane Power....a quickly regenerating resource with a very finite, hard cap. I think it would work better if it played like...the less AP you have left, the slower it regens. So if you dry yourself up by spamming, it takes longer to fill the bulb than if you strategically throw down a few spells here and there and let AP stay high. Or it would make smaller mana cost spells a little more powerful just by virtue of the fact you could spam them more.

It would be interesting to be forced into the whole nuke vs. spam decision and when it was right to do so.

Either way, it kind of sounds like the opposite of the Barb's Fury. Whereas the wizard can frontload her damage because her resource starts full, the barb will be able to unleash hell only after a couple seconds into the fight. Should make for potent team play combos.|||Quote:

I like that one a lot, although it's extremely similar to WoW Arcane Mages' Passive Mastery:

Mana Adept: Arcane will deal damage based how much mana the mage has. For example, Arcane mages will do much more damage at 100% mana than at 50% mana. If they begin to get low on mana, they will likely want to use an ability or mechanic to bring their mana up to increase their damage.

Still, it's a very nice way to force wizards to keep an eye on their Arcane Power if they want to perform well.

Yeah, I totally "cribbed" the idea from the WoW arcane mage revamp. I thought it was a pretty interesting mechanic, and would probably be better suited to a quick regen, fast paced style like Diablo than the long drawn out fights of WoW, especially when they claim they are making mana regen as hard as they are claiming.|||Quote:

I'm not really getting this...

A wizard is the completely studied one, he studies spells untill perfection, than he goes on learning the something new.

A sorcerer only takes up (knowledgewise) that which grants him more power and neglects to think ahead about consequences.

Now if a sorcerer was unstable magicwise, I would understand. But a wizard...?

The names are reversed in the Diablo universe. Sorcerers are the studied ones and Wizards are the ones that seek power without thinking.

And I figured Instability wouldn't stay around.

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