Monday, April 16, 2012

Concerning Slow time spell...

Heya folks,

I'm new here and I was reading up on all the wizard posts. I do this because in D3, the same will happen as in D2 or D1, the wizard will rule supreme in the end!

Okay, enough wizard promotion for now

As I was reading through it all, 1 hypothetical question kept me going.

What if...

*assuming (end)bosses are immune to slow time*

1)You take 2 wizards and set them each at a side of a monster.

2)Each wizard creates a Slow time bubble.

3)Both wizards are close enough to the other for the bubbles to have an overlapping field, (in where the monster is).

Do we now have a slowslowed monster, to the point that it can hardly move/attack/cast at all?

If Slow time spell stacks coming from different casters, than I think (if properly trained in this tactic) they'll own everything in the field, providing the enemy won't come in zounds of numbers.

Now gimme all your love/hate on this question please.
|||Given the amount of teamwork that would require and that it disables rather than kills the monster I don't think Blizzard would have a problem with that happening any more than they had a problem with the Necromancer's Bone Prison spells.|||I don't think if 2 Wizzys casted Slow Time it would double slow them.|||Owkay, might want to add an argument there Ex....|||Damn I said something twice, how do I delete :O|||Yeah well, thanks for clearing that up... :�

*Notices a lighthearted sarcasm detector going off*
|||I'm interested about how the time slowing mechanic would function in PvP? Would it be subjected to player-based restrictions, or would it function normally and be considered "BM"? I predict some really interesting combinations for wizards in PvP because of the glass canon-like format of the character.|||Any kind of conversation is almost moot when it comes down to PvP in Diablo 3, they haven't even started developing the PvP world, let alone finish the PvM worlds/acts/levels.

Although I would imagine the Slow Time spell to be similar to Holy Freeze's radius where everything in the area is slowed down, but the aura doesn't move, so imagine if you will having the ability to throw your aura (Holy Freeze) on the ground and any enemy that goes by it or in it slows down within the allocated time. That's at least what I would picture it as, if I had to compare it to something Diablo II.|||[blue]Wouldn’t release be much sooner if you didn’t have to take months to balance skills for the PvP game?

Bashiok: No.

Alright, I’ll elaborate!

The PvP game is being developed alongside everything else, so it’s not as if the game is done and we’re ready to ship it but then stop and take a few months to balance things. Also, it’s to be expected that the game won’t be and won’t really need to be balanced right at release as it will take some time for people to really explore and begin reaching competition levels where more extreme balance is necessary or even possible for us to properly evaluate and react to. [/blue]We've known for a while that PvP is being done as the game is being done.

EDIT: Link|||Okay let me rephrase that then, discussing PvP is moot, because we know nothing about PvP, as they have said nothing about it.

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